There are many benefits to having an exclusivity agreement in place:



  • Fewer sellers mean more sales. While this may seem counter-intuitive, having more sellers do not increase the number of buyers on Amazon. It just degrades into a price war over the existing customers, which is damaging to the brand image and upsets the brick and mortar retailers.  When many sellers are competing for the Amazon buy box, none have the incentive to run advertisements, so very often none do. Since Amazon has become an ad-driven marketplace, a lack of advertisements will often drop your products on the 2-3rd page of search results where very few customers will see them.  Many customers choose from the first few options they are shown when they search.  With an exclusivity/shared exclusivity agreement in place, we will be able to run ads, which will help to move your products to the top of the first page of search results where they can be seen and purchased. Look at the example below. 





  • Fewer sellers mean fewer problems.  MAP violations, sellers you don’t recognize, inaccurate, outdated, or poor-quality listings that no one will take responsibility for, and inconsistent orders are just a few of the issues that come into play with too many sellers.  Your company loses time and money by invoicing, packing, and shipping a dozen small orders when they could simply invoice and ship the same number of items in large, consistent orders to 1-4 exclusive sellers instead.


  • We will build you a brand page and add Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) to your listings.  This will go a long way in showing customers that your brand is professional, high-quality, and safe, and will allow us to showcase all the features of each product. 


An example of a listing without Enhanced Brand Content:



An example of a listing with Enhanced Brand Content:




Example of a Brand Page



  • We will run targeted Amazon ads.  The best way to get products in front of customers on Amazon is with ads.  Think of it like an end-cap display in a store – it allows shoppers to see new items they may not have known existed and wouldn’t have thought to search for otherwise!